Girls Day 2022 - Selbst-formendes Holz: Material Science meets Architecture

28.4.2022 | ICD Workshop
Girlsday Mädchen Zukunftstag 2022, Online Workshop


Material Programming in Architecture

The workshop provided a look behind the scenes of research on wood as a building material in the field of architecture. Due to its special properties, wood can be used to create self-forming components for buildings, or shading facade elements that react to the weather without needing electricity. In the workshop school kids gained real life experiences by the use of water, a hair dryer and a self-shaping starter kit.
The participants learned from a combination of theoretical background lectures and practical sessions how wood fibers shrink and swell in relation to their moisture content, how to predict this behavior and how it can be used in architecture. The workshop concluded with a brainstorming session in which the participants could bring in their own ideas and sketches for possible applicaitons.

ICD Institute for Computational Design and Construction

Laura Kiesewetter, Tiffany Cheng, Dylan Wood, Prof. Achim Menges


Lisa Schöllhammer

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