"Are Graphs the New BIM?" / A CAAD Futures Co-Creation Session Public Meetup

March 14, 2023 /

Public Meetup
INTERCONNECTIONS: Co-computing beyond boundaries. CAAD Futures 2023 TU Delft

CAAD Futures 2023 introduces the Co-creation processes to collectively discuss research urgencies and their roadmaps, with a focus on the role of computation to interconnect in and for Architectural Design. The first public meetup of the Co-Creations sessions will be held on Tuesday, 14 March 2023. 
"Are graphs the new BIM?" is a topic proposed by RA Ph.D. Cand. Diellza Elshani and Tenure-Track Prof. Dr. Thomas Wortmann from the Chair for Computing in Architecture, Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), University of Stuttgart.
The sessions within this co-creation process will cover topics such as BIM with graph data models, reasoning and validation, geometry computation, Graph Neural Networks (GNN), Natural Language Processing (NLP) for the AEC Sector, etc. 
The participants of the event comprise individuals from both academic and industrial backgrounds. Working team: Diellza Elshani, Thomas Wortmann, Pieter Pauwels, Michela Turrin, Wassim Jabi, Alessio Lombardi, Al Fisher, Jeroen Werbrouck, Tanya Bloch, Guy Austern, Edlira Kalemi Vakaj, Navid Hedayati, Greg Schleusner, Esra Bektas, Peter Bonsma, Ayda Grisiute, Pieter Herthogs, Ranjith K. Soman, and Patrick Janssen.
To attend upcoming calls of "Are graphs the new BIM?" please email: diellza.elshani@icd.uni-stuttgart.de
More information can be found on the offical website of the conference: CAAD Futures 2023 
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