Dezeen Awards Longlist - Hybrid Flax Pavilion

September 13, 2024 /
Institute for Computational Design and Construction (Prof. A. Menges)
Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (Prof. J. Knippers)

Dezeen Awards 2024
[Picture: ICD/ITKE/IntCDC University Stuttgart - Dezeen]

Hybrid Flax Pavilion longlisted for Dezeen Award in the category sustainable building

The pavilion showcases a novel wood-natural-fibre hybrid construction system developed by the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC at the University of Stuttgart as an alternative to conventional building methods.

The unique hybrid system combines thin cross-laminated timber with robotically wound flax fibre bodies to create a novel, resource-efficient building structure made from regional, bio-based materials with a distinct local connection: Flax was historically processed in the local textile industry.

For more information on the nomination:

For more information about the project:

Hybrid Flax Pavilion | Institute for Computational Design and Construction | University of Stuttgart (

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