Expert Lecture: Dr. Simon Aicher

June 26, 2018

ICD Events
ITECH Expert Lecture 2018

ITECH Expert Lecture - Summer Term 2018

26.06.2018 - 19.00 pm
Room 9.06, K1, 9th floor
Keplerstrasse 11, 70174 Stuttgart

"Timber Structures: heritage – rehabilitation – today´s technologies – horizons"

At University of Stuttgart`s Material Testing Institute (MPA), Dr. Simon Aicher is leading the Timber Construction Department as Chief Academic Director. He holds an M.Sc. in Wood Science from University Hamburg and earned his PhD in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat) at the Institute for Wood Physics and Mechanical Technology of Wood at Federal Research Center of Wood and Forestry, Hamburg Germany.
The department of Timber Construction covers the total range of timber construction, wood composite construction, wood-based panels, mechanical fasteners and adhesives for wood bonding. Its research activities are based on intensive, theoretical and application-oriented research/competence with a focus on numerical simulation, nondestructive testing and destructive testing of construction materials and composite constructions in view of their fitness for use and their load bearing capacity.
Dr. Aicher`s expertise includes the design and rehabilitation of timber structures, bonding operations and adhesives, composite structures, fracture mechanisms and non-destructive testing of timber structures.


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