Fibrous lightweight morphologies

September 11, 2015 / M. Dörstelmann

TAB Symposium, Tallinn, Finland

ICD research associate Moritz Dörstelmann is invited to speak at the TAB Symposium as part of the Tallinn Architecture Biennale.
"This year's TAB Symposium will take an interdisciplinary route, looking at the way space, technology and community intertwine in the context of the third industrial revolution. By bringing together opinion leaders from diverse fields to discuss the connections between spatial environment, economy, technology and the evolution of society, it will open a public debate about matters that will influence the daily lives of everyone living in the not-so-distant future"
Moritz Dörstelmann will present "Fibrous lightweight morphologies. Novel fabrication and design strategies for fiber composites in architecture" on September 11th at 15:00 h in the Fabrication session.
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