Towards an architectural application of novel fiber composite building systems – The BUGA Fibre Pavilion

2019 | Peer Reviewed Papers
Ubiquity and Autonomy - Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA)

Dambrosio, N., Zechmeister, C., Bodea, S., Koslowski, V., Gil-Pérez, M., Rongen, B., Knippers, J., Menges, A.

Dambrosio, N., Zechmeister, C., Bodea, S., Koslowski, V., Gil-Pérez, M., Rongen, B., Knippers, J., Menges, A.: 2019, Towards an architectural application of novel fiber composite building systems – The BUGA Fibre Pavilion. in ACADIA – Ubiquity and Autonomy [Proceedings of the ACADIA Conference 2019]. The University of Texas, Austin. (ISBN 978-0-578-59179-7)

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