ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 5

Summer Term 2014 | ICD/ITKE Design Studio
Master Module 011300802

ICD: Prof. A. Menges, M. Dörstelmann, M. Prado,
ITKE: Prof. J. Knippers, V. Koslowki, S. Parascho, G. Scheiber

Performative Morphology

ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 5
FIRST MEETING 08.04.2014 at 14.00, room 9.01+9.02

The focus of this studio is the design development and fabrication of a biomimetic research pavilion which will be constructed between the K1 and K2 university buildings. The pavilion will be based on design principles that have been developed from biological role models in the context of the Architectural Biomimetics seminar course in the WS 2013/14 semester. Particular attention was directed towards biological examples consisting of fiber-composite and membrane structures. The studio involves the transfer of principles from the biomimetic investigation into a technical system for a prototypical fiber-composite structure. This will focus on a multi-layered, geometrically differentiated fiber-composite structure, which allows for geometric variability in terms of fiber differentiation and adaptability, as well as the development of an integrated pneumatic formwork and enclosure system. The integration of the technical production parameters in automated robotic manufacturing represents a further focus for the studio.

A team of students and academic staff will create a computational design tool, which incorporates material, fabrication, structural and design constraints. In parallel, the students will participate in the corequisite research seminar Computational Design and Digital Fabrication, dealing with the robotic production.

The project offers the opportunity to apply computer-based design, planning, calculation and production methods in an integrated design process on a real project and develop experience on all phases of project development: from digital planning, planning application through to robotic manufacturing and assembly on site. Requirements include: the participation in the design integrated seminar Computational Design and Digital Fabrication.

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