Performative Morphology

Summer Semester 2019 | ICD/ITKE Design Studio
ITECH Module 25990
Master Module 47531, -41, -51, Computerbasiertes Entwerfen 1, 2, 3

ICD: Prof. A. Menges, S. Bodea, N. Dambrosio, C. Zechmeister
ITKE: Prof. J. Knippers, M. Gil-Pérez, B. Rongen

Performative Morphology

ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2019

First Meeting: 09.04.2019, 14:00, 9th floor ITECH Master Studio

The focus of this studio, is the design development and fabrication of a biomimetic research pavilion based on design principles that have been developed throughout the Performative Morphology course in the WS 2018/19 semester. Particular attention was directed towards Re-use, Re-configuration and Re-cycling of fiber composite structures.

Recent developments in computational design methods, material science and fabrication techniques open up new possibilities. Students will investigate computational design strategies and fabrication techniques for fibrous morphologies in order to identify potential future trajectories while positioning analyzed precedents within the larger disciplinary context.

The studio will focus on multi-layered, geometrically differentiated fiber composite structures, their potential for Re-use, Re-configuration and Re-cycling as well as the development of respective novel large scale fabrication processes. The integration of the technical production parameters in automated robotic manufacturing represents a further focus.

The project offers the opportunity to apply computational design, planning, calculation and production methods in an integrated design process on a real 1:1 scale project and develop experience on all phases of the project development: from digital planning, planning application to robotic manufacturing and assembly on site.

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