German Design Award 2016

February 12, 2016 / Inst. for Computational Design (Prof. Menges)
Inst. of Building Structures & Structural Design (Prof. Knippers)
Inst. of Engineering Geodesy (Prof. Schwieger)

Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall

On Feb 12, 2016 the award ceremony for the German Design Award took place at the Messe in Frankfurt (a.M.). The Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall in Schwäbisch Gmünd, which is the demonstrator building of our collaborative research and development project "Robotics in Timber Construction", received a special mention for its "innovative demonstration of new methods for the digital planning and robotic construction of lightweight wooden structures" by the German Design Council.

Congratulations to the team and our supporters!

German Design Award 2016 Ceremony

Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall project team (left-to-right): Tobias Schwinn (Project leader, ICD), Oliver Krieg (Researcher, ICD), Julius Mihm (Mayor, City of Schwäbisch Gmünd), Prof. Achim Menges (Director, ICD), Karl-Eugen Ebertshäuser (Director, Schwäbisch Gmünd 2014 GmbH), Reinhold Müller with son (Director, Müllerblaustein Holzbau GmbH) .

Find more information on (in English).


ICD Institute for Computational Design
Prof. A. Menges (PI), Tobias Schwinn, Oliver David Krieg
ITKE Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design
Prof. J. Knippers, Jian-Min Li
IIGS Institute of Engineering Geodesy
Prof. Volker Schwieger, Annette Schmitt
Müllerblaustein Holzbau GmbH
Reinhold Müller, Benjamin Eisele
KUKA Roboter GmbH
Alois Buchstab, Frank Zimmermann
Landesbetrieb Forst Baden-Württemberg
Sebastian Schreiber, Frauke Brieger
Landesgartenschau Schwäbisch Gmünd 2014 GmbH
Karl-Eugen Ebertshäuser, Sabine Rieger

EFRE European Union
Clusterinitiative Forst und Holz Baden Württemberg
Landesgartenschau Schwäbisch Gmünd 2014 GmbH
müllerblaustein Bauwerke GmbH
KUKA Roboter GmbH
Landesbetrieb Forst Baden-Württemberg

Adler Deutschland GmbH
Autodesk GmbH
Carlisle Construction Materials GmbH
Fagus Stiftung
Gutex H. Henselmann GmbH & Co. KG
Hess & Co. AG
MPA - Materials Testing Institute, University of Stuttgart
Leitz GmbH & Co. KG
Spax International GmbH & Co. KG


Tobias Schwinn, University of Stuttgart, Institute for Computational Design
Andrea Mayer-Grenu, University of Stuttgart, University Communications


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