purmundus challenge 2021 - Innovation in progress

November 16, 2021 / Institute for Computational Design and Construction

Frankfurt, Germany

purmundus challenge 2021 - Innovation in progress
16.11.2021 - 19.11.2021, Formnext, Frankfurt, Germany

ICD research on "Bio-inspired 4D-printing of multifunctional material systems for self-adjusting wearable tech" was selected by an international panel as a finalist for the purmundus challenge 2021. The selected work was developed in the framework of the research project "4DmultiMATS – Personalised 3D-and 4D-printing of programmable and self-adjusting multifunctional material systems for sports and medical applications".

As part of the international competition of ideas for 3D and 4D printing, this year's finalists will be on display at Formnext from 16-19 November 2021 in Hall 12.1, B08. The winner will be announced at the award ceremony on 18th November 2021 at 5:00 PM in Hall 11.0, E72.

Until 3:00 pm on 18 November 2021, you can cast your vote for the Public Choice Award!

For more information please visit: purmundus challenge and formnext


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