Experiments in Agent-Based Collective Robotic Construction

25.6.2023 - 1.7.2023 | ICD Workshop
DigitalFutures 2023, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Samuel Leder, Lasath Siriwardena, Philipp Kragl, Prof. A. Menges

Experiments in Agent-Based Collective Robotic Construction
DigitalFutures 2023 Workshop

©Image credit: Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) &
Cluster of Excellence IntCDC | University of Stuttgart

In this workshop, participants will explore the emerging field within construction automation entitled Collective Robotic Construction (CRC). CRC is an automation approach which involves the collaboration of many small robotic machines for the completion of construction tasks. Although there are different methods for the control of CRC systems, this workshop will focus on agent-based modelling and simulation (ABMS) as an approach for the coordination of a swarm of ground robots. Each mobile robot is therefore modeled as digital agent with individual and/or collective behaviors that control the movements of the physical robot and result in the assemble or rearrangement of building elements in physical space.

In the first half of the workshop, participants will be introduced to the fields of CRC and ABMS. On the CRC side, participants will be introduced to existing research within the field and will have hands-on experience with the assembly and operation of a wheeled mobile robot. On the AMBS side, participants will be introduced to ABxM, an interactive agent-based modelling framework created by the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD). This will involve both lectures and hands-on tutorials using ABxM inside of Rhinoceros 3D and Grasshopper.  Further information about the framework and a download link can be found here.

In the second part of workshop, students will be split into teams in order to experiment with the development of their own agent-based model. First, this will be explored with purely digital development in which students will create agent behaviors which determine how the agents interact with one another and their environment. This will involvement negotiating which stimuli or environmental information are expressed in physical space and which in digital space. The models developed by the participants will then be implemented for the coordination of a fleet of physical mobile robots. After participation students will have a general understanding of CRC and more specifically of how ABMS can be utilized for the design and control of automation construction systems composed of multiple mobile robots.

Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD), University of Stuttgart

Samuel Leder, Lasath Siriwardena, Philipp Kragl, Prof. Achim Menges

College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), Tongji University, Shanghai

谢星杰 Xingjie Xie


吴凌菊 Jules Wu, 陳杰民 Jeremy Chen, 周亦然 Yiran Zhou, 郑梓豪 Zihao Zheng, 雷雨婷 Yuting Lei, 刘雨轩 Yuxuan Liu, 毛宇俊 Yujun Mao, 黄恋寒 Lianhan Huang, 赵釜剑 Fujian Zhao, 高伊琳 Yilin Gao, 郭韵佳 Gloria Guo

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