This image shows Manuela Irlwek

Manuela Irlwek

M. Arch MA AA Architektin Dipl. Ing. BYAK

Doctoral Candidate
2010 – 2015



Manuela Irlwek is a chartered architect (BYAK). She was educated at the University of applied sciences in Nuremberg, University of Stuttgart and the Architectural Association (AA) in London and graduated from the AA Design Research Laboratory (DRL) with a master´s degree M. Arch AA in 2000. She received several awards, such as a steel construction award, a wood construction award, the award of the Rudolf-Lodders-Society, the BDB award, the award for Eternit buildings and the DB Prize for offices of the future.

She worked as an architect in the architectural offices of Auer, Weber & Associates and Kauffmann, Theilig & Partner, Stuttgart. For the Olympic Games 2008 she was part of the architecture team of BIAD and Gloeckner architects to develop the National Indoor Stadium (NIS) in Beijing (C). She has taught various workshops and seminars in the University of applied sciences in Nuremberg from 2000 to 2007 and was invited as a visiting critic at the Technical University TU in Karlsruhe (GER), Sci Arc Los Angeles (USA) and ETH Zurich (CH). Furthermore she was invited as a jury member in different national competitions. 2007 she founded the office IS architecture with D. Schoell and received several prizes in different national and international competitions.

As a doctoral candidate at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) Manuela Irlwek is currently researching the design methodology of Horst Rittel in relation to computational design.


Generating and Constraining Variants in Parametric Design

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